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31 listings found for 'draco system of debt slavery' in Listings

TRON freeworlder
TRON freeworlder
 British Columbia, Canada  over a year ago

[REQUEST] Cartoonist — Controversial and Space Theme: A cartoonist that can draw approx 3 page cartoon with maybe 3 to 7 boxes on each page. Cartoonist must feel comfortable with controversial material and have the ability to draw futuristic/ space people themes. Have 1oz. silver coin(s) to trade for this service.

 British Columbia, Canada  over a year ago


Josiah Haltom
Josiah Haltom (7) Level 3 member
5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars
 TENNESSEE, United States  over a year ago

[REQUEST] Social change activists — Engage yourselves, enhance the connection between us, to attain social cohesion developed in alternatives to capitalism and for-profit systems or intentions. Opt-out of the matrix of lies! Greater organisation happens now, 2020, the year of JUBILEE..... seize the day!

 TENNESSEE, United States  over a year ago


Raffael Wüthrich
Raffael Wüthrich
 Bern, Switzerland  over a year ago

[OFFER] Computer-Hilfe (Windows), Smartphone-Hilfe (Android) — Ich helfe dir gerne bei deinen Computer-Problemen (Windows) oder Smartphone-Fragen (Android), online oder offline. Ich kann bei Software-Problemen helfen, also Programme installieren, deinstallieren, System bereinigen, neu aufsetzen, Bedienungshilfe in unterschiedlichsten Bereichen geben. Kenne mich auch ein wenig bei Hardware-Problemen aus. Bin allerdings kein professioneller Dienstleister, kanns einfach gut und mache es gerne.

 Bern, Switzerland  over a year ago


Lama Gyatso
Lama Gyatso (9) Level 3 member
5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars
 California, United States  over a year ago

[OFFER] The Tantric Meditation System of RedTara — The Wednesday series of 16 weekly, live, meditation class webinars begins this week. You could register for FREE at https://www.MeditateLikeAJedi.org/classes . Do NOT be put off by the mention of donations, for they are completely optional, BUT there are three mandatory things: ONE - be punctual (if you're not early, you're late), TWO - be courteous to your fellow students, and THREE - enthusiastically perform your homework every morning and every evening otherwise you simply will not benefit from attending.

 California, United States  over a year ago


Adam  Art Ananda
Adam Art Ananda (5) Level 3 member
 Berlin, Germany  over a year ago

[OFFER] Step Out - A guideline how you can step out of this system and live a fulfilling life in abundance w — A guideline how you can step out of this system. This guideline is based on my own experience and will be enriched with true stories from people I met on my way or people who wrote me believable stories. The book covers why we should step out at all, what we can do to live a fulfilling life in freedom without anxiety. The author also tries to show how a new society may look like on the sample of the Ubuntu movement from South Afrika. "We are the ones we’ve been waiting for, and the time is now." ~ Starr MacKinnon

 Berlin, Germany  over a year ago


Richard Hattersley
Richard Hattersley (1) Level 2 member
 England, United Kingdom  over a year ago

[OFFER] System Out Of date (Download single) — More free music from me, but this time it's all about the RBE message. Just go here: https://richardsnow.bandcamp.com/album/system-out-of-date And enter zero as the price when "buying"

 England, United Kingdom  over a year ago


Ronak Raval
Ronak Raval
 Gujarat, India  over a year ago

[OFFER] Dell Inspiron 545s - Functional System Parts — I've disassembled my old PC, which has several functional parts, which I'm giving away. Let me know if you need any. For sale, Dell Inspiron 545s system parts... Original monitor, 19" screen 2GB RAM DDR2 DIMM 800 MHz x 4 units. Intel Core 2 Duo processor. SMPS unit. CD-DVD R/W. Original motherboard.* Only Requires IC clock replacement. Keyboard with usb cable.

 Gujarat, India  over a year ago


Peter Paul Parker
Peter Paul Parker (3) Level 3 member
 Surrey, United Kingdom  over a year ago

[OFFER] Ki Gong classes on You Tube — Ki-gong is a form of ancient Asian healing art. The main focus of this healing art is to combine the mind, the breath and the body. Ki Gong helps to achieve a healthy flow of energy around the body through the meridian channels, while strengthening the body and lungs. While we gather the energy into the lower body, we make the legs and lower body strong, while making the upper body flexible and light. The focus on the breath enables the body to restore a natural functioning of the respiratory system, which really helps the practitioner to experience the true power of Ki Gong. So when you practice the healing art of Kookhak Ki Gong, you will start to experience a healthy, strong and flexible body, together with a calm and focused mind.

 Surrey, United Kingdom  over a year ago


Colin R. Turner
Colin R. Turner (42) Level 3 member
4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars4.5 stars
 Wexford, Ireland  2 weeks ago

[OFFER] Help with emails and mailing lists — Help with email deliverability. I've spent at least fifteen years dealing with problems of outgoing mail and I have a lot of expertise on the topic now. I recently built a whole new mailing system for Sharebay based on what I've learned and I'd be happy to share some of this knowledge with you or help you build a better working system for you website.

 Wexford, Ireland  2 weeks ago


Helmut  Haneklaus
Helmut Haneklaus
 Lower Saxony , Germany  over a year ago

[OFFER] Recovery of rCB, Oil, Steel-wires, from end-of-life-Tires (eol-tires) via my unique pyrolysis system. Interested to share with us ??? at “Verein Humane Visionen e.V.

 Lower Saxony , Germany  over a year ago


5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars
 NSW, Australia  over a year ago

[REQUEST] App developer[s] for free currency model that values creating sustainably. — Hi All, I'm working on a free currency model called BUXBE that values creating sustainably. Giftimg is the total empowerment of that, so BUXBE is a means for those stuck in usury/fiat/commodity currencies a clear to get out of that debt model to a neutral currency model. Read this for the synopsis of the structure and why it would work: https://buxbe.medium.com/there-can-be-only-one-30f9846e1f95. I have a great peer wanting to help develop it, but really need app developers to make it accessible. We'll have a website, too, but want to keep UI/UX consistent and not have a hack job. Backend is SQL, but need security options as it will record transactions securely. BUXBE has no commodity capacity nor is connected to any usury exchange. It can't as the price mechanism and volume/velocity of currency is totally outside quantitative wealth parameters everyone helplessly accepts. It's totally free to use. It has to be by the modelling, and this can't change in the future. I can't say I now own the bank after a certain period or whatever. It would make no practical sense to do that. Participants in BUXBE own the bank, ARE the bank. If I want people to not be owned by a bank, it's stupid to then say I own it. Totally stupid and pathetic. We have a spreadsheet on Google we'd like to transfer to the relevant app/website. Aren't many transactions, but it's the quality that matters! :) You can message here or just send me an email to [email protected] with your questions/interest. You will be paid in BUXBE for your work at B60/h, which is the mean rate, although this is flexible if market demands, as I and others are, so give your time as you wish to build it. In current economic blurb, I guess I'd call this a non-profit, but what it does do is empower NFPs, volunteers, charities, and FP businesses, a way out of being owned by debt owned by banks. Usury is designed to own people. BUXBE is about owning your self; the gap is intentional. Hit me up, see what it's about, and 1e can build from there. Hey, Colin, add Web/App Developer as a category! :)

 NSW, Australia  over a year ago


Denise M  Ward
Denise M Ward
5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars
 Vermont, United States  10 months ago

[REQUEST] People who will meet and brainstorm the start of a new village based on an experimental social system that will be a model for a new direction. It will operate in a parallel manner to this current dystopia. The blueprint has been created and now needs to be tested. Individuals are needed who can commit some consistent time to this project. We will come together and continue next steps as we go forward, like a block on top of another block, as we build a new framework that encompasses care for earth and elevating our humanness. Are you someone with vision and enthusiasm to pioneer this new world?

 Vermont, United States  10 months ago


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